Puzzler Business Partnerships provide a range of options, both off-the-shelf and bespoke, that support the simple integration of puzzles into interactive formats, irrespective of content supply source. Those options include the following:


Software Development Kit (SDK) Interactive Code Package

Gives you or your third-party developers a solution for the simple integration, management and deployment of interactive puzzles into your:

  • Website environments
  • Digital edition publishing platforms
  • Mobile apps


Automated Content Updates, via a unique access key

Allow automated content pulls and the publishing of content updates to:

  • Website environments
  • Digital edition publishing platforms
  • Mobile apps, irrespective of frequency or puzzle types, via your or your third-party Content Management Systems (CMS)


Third-Party Uploader Tools

Allow you (or your third-party puzzle editors/compilers) to upload and manage puzzles you have created yourselves. Our CMS will then convert those puzzles into the correct format for our interactive offerings, and prepare Automated Content Update packages.


AWS Encrypted Endpoints, an iframe solution hosted and supported by us

Allows you to embed a URL so that a puzzle offering hosted by us appears in an iframe on your:

  • Websites
  • Digital newsletters/feeds
  • Online editorial pages/articles
  • Progressive Web App (PWA)


Client Facing Dashboard

Our version of a CMS which allows you to review puzzle packages, puzzle breakdown and metadata; and to play puzzles, replace puzzles, assign users and credentials depending on roles, set up competitions and links to puzzles, upload puzzles, and download the latest puzzle packages (including manual download of the SDK package if required).


Our solutions also support:
  • Synchronisation of puzzle content with print where required, irrespective of supply source.
  • Automated processing and delivery of print-synched puzzle file outputs, including auto-lay to InDesign templates.
  • Competition puzzle formats, including encrypted and GDPR-compliant entry capture, or automated parse of data to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools.
  • Fully bespoke User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) designs of our interactive solutions.
  • Development and integration of new puzzle/game formats.
  • Bespoke automated puzzle content data file format extensions to support your in-house or third-party developments.
  • Event triggers to support end-of-play pop-up calls to action, end-of-game messages, streak feedback, leaderboard activity, etc.
  • Additional analytical puzzle event triggers, allowing you to put a listener in place to capture certain in-play event triggers via your analytical tools.
  • Via our in-house Management Information System (MIS), full scheduling of puzzle requirements, supply source, frequency, naming conventions and unique puzzle numbering, levels, rotation of puzzles/levels, advance delivery and cycle of content batches etc.

Contact us today

Find out how we can help you with a wide range of puzzle solutions.
Complete the form or call us on 01737 378700.

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Find out how we can help you with a wide range of puzzle solutions. Complete the form or call us today on 07816 088 083.

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